segunda-feira, fevereiro 27, 2023

"a hypothesis waiting to be tested"

"There's a failure to understand that you can run an organization thinking like a scientist. By that I mean, just recognizing that every opinion you hold at work is a hypothesis waiting to be tested. And every decision you make is an experiment waiting to be run.
So many leaders just implement decisions. It's like life is an A/B test, but they just ran with the A, and didn't even realize that there was a possible B, C, D and E. Too many leaders feel like their decisions are permanent. [Moi ici: E ignoram aquela lição de vida - O que é verdade hoje, amanhã é mentira - as alterações do contexto tornam obsoletas as boas decisões do passado] As opposed to saying, "We're going to test and learn."
If you have a skeptical or resistant audience, it's not effective to go into prosecutor mode. It just invites the other person to bring their best defense attorney to court, and then we're just butting heads and nobody learns or opens their mind or changes anything. I think there are some good alternatives, including motivational interviewing, which is to just say, hey, I'm excited about this change. I'm anticipating some resistance. And I'd love to know what would motivate you to try this? Is there anything that would make it worth considering for you? And then you actually learn what motivates people by interviewing them as opposed to trying to shove your idea down their throats."

Trechos retirados de "Why CEOs Should Think Differently- and Experiment" publicado no WSJ do de 23 de Fevereiro último.

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