segunda-feira, janeiro 30, 2023

Quão diferentes são os seus clientes?

O meu interesse no livro começou há dias, Quem são os melhores e os piores clientes?, literalmente.

"Specifically, the Lens 1 views encourage us to "celebrate heterogeneity," in other words, to see and acknowledge the existence of the small but powerful set of customers who buy more frequently, at greater average order values, and at (slightly) higher margins than the vast majority of the customer base. Companies that ignore these differences across their customers do so at great risk. Alternatively, those that are able to recognize and act on these differences are sowing the seeds for an effective and sustainable growth strategy.
We have mentioned it several times now, but we cannot say it enough: There is no average customer.  ...  These sources of variation can be anticipated and leveraged effectively, rather than naively treating every customer the same, or by overcomplicating the customer relationship management task by going too far with well-intended but hard to implement "1:1 marketing" tactics.
  • We are used to seeing averages, but they can be misleading. It is important that we understand the true nature of the variation in customer behavior, and this comes from looking at distributions.
  • We are used to seeing totals, but we gain insight by decomposing these totals into their constituent parts, be it an additive or multiplicative decomposition.
  • We are used to making statements about the nature of behavior across our entire customer base, that is, making the implicit assumption that the "drivers" of behavior are the same for everyone. But the decile analyses (whether doing so on the basis of equal-sized groups of customers or equal-sized portions of customer profitability) show that this is not at all true. It is vitally important to understand how and why the top-decile customers are different from the lower ones."

A Lente #1 pergunta "Quão diferentes são os seus clientes?":

  • como se distribui a facturação por cada cliente?
  • como se distribui o número de transacções por cliente?
  • transformar facturação em número de transacções vezes a facturação média por transacção
  • como se distribui a facturação média por transacção?
  • como se distribui o lucro por cliente?
  • como se distribui a margem média por cliente?
É interessante e olhar para uma empresa e perceber que o top 1% dos clientes pode ser tão lucrativo quanto os 41% do outro extremo. É interessante perceber que metade dos lucros de uma empresa podem vir de apenas 15% dos seus clientes.

E na sua empresa, quão diferentes são os seus clientes?

Trechos retirados de "The Customer-Base Audit" de Peter Fader, Bruce Hardie e Michael Ross. 

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