sexta-feira, outubro 21, 2022

A responsabilidade pela formação

Ao ler isto: 

"Perhaps the single most important piece of advice I gave my children as they were growing up, and that I offer in this chapter, is to treat every day as a learning opportunity. Don't make assumptions and check the beliefs of yourself or others against the actual evidence. Keep an enquiring mind. Don't assume that a convenient soundbite tells an accurate story and always recognize that you have more to learn. A comment I have heard from individuals who feel frustrated at work is: “I’ve been in this role two/three years and I haven't learned anything. They haven't provided any courses.” I find that an extraordinary viewpoint - it's your responsibility to be continually learning. There were two glaring issues that struck me when I heard such sentiments: firstly, you can always book your own course, or buy the textbooks."

Recordei logo 2008:

"A formação profissional de cada um, é um assunto demasiado importante para ser delegado em regime de outsourcing a quem quer que seja." 

E 2011:

"O seu futuro é demasiado importante para ser colocado nas mãos do seu chefe, ou patrão. É que, por mais que ele genuinamente o valorize... a empresa pode ter de fechar. Por isso, não confie a sua formação a mais ninguém." 

Trecho retirado de "Deliver What You Promise" de Bali Padda.

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