terça-feira, março 01, 2022

Empresas e ambiente

Uma boa reflexão, "How Corporate Purpose Can ‘Signal Virtue’ But Distract The Management", sobre as empresas que gastam a atenção da administração em "signaling virtue" e, depois, não há atenção para os desafios da gestão. Ou será que o "signal virtue" é uma desculpa para esconder a falta de soluções para os desafios da gestão?

Interessante, se em vez de empresas pensarmos em governos ... sim, Políticos e ambiente.

"“Public display of climate and social credentials comes at cost to the business,” says fund manager, Terry Smith of Fundsmith Equity Fund. “The maker of Dove soap, Hellmann’s mayonnaise and Magnum ice cream has set out ambitious climate and social targets and is trying to prove that sustainable business does drive superior financial performance.” However, in the absence of that superior financial performance, broader social goals themselves inevitably come into question.

“Unilever seems to be laboring,” Smith wrote, “under the weight of a management which is obsessed with publicly displaying sustainability credentials at the expense of focusing on the fundamentals of the business.”

It is not that life-purpose training programs for staff and gig workers are not worthwhile. But their priority within Unilever needs to be viewed in the context of all the other issues facing the firm. When overall performance falls short, broad social goals can become suspects in causing the shortfalls.


Training gig workers and helping them find their own purpose in life isn’t wrong. It could be part of the solution at Unilever. It’s just that Unilever has to commit itself first and foremost to adding value to customers’ lives, not just waving a public-virtue flag and declaring victory."


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