domingo, julho 11, 2021

"The essence of great strategy formulation ..."

A sua empresa tem uma estratégia? Quantas pessoas foram envolvidas na sua formulação? Houve discussão?

"we think that reasoning about strategy is best done by arguing, and specifically by arguing in groups. 


The essence of great strategy formulation and strategic management involves arguing constructively’when the strategy is being developed and as it is being implemented. Good strategists and executives who achieve long-term success encourage constructive arguments in decision-making groups, whether they do so consciously or not. Without constructive arguments among multiple stakeholders, strategy is often vacuous, and in the worst case may involve gambling the future of a company without even realizing it. As Gary Pisano warns: “For any proposed program of reasonable complexity, lack of debate is actually a worrisome sign.”


Vigorous argument should be encouraged and celebrated, provided that people are arguing constructively, not arguing blue."

Trechos retirados de “Arguing for Organizational Advantage” de Sorensen, Jesper B.; Carroll, Glenn R.

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