segunda-feira, julho 13, 2020

A importância da estratégia de uma organização

Ao longo dos anos tenho referido aqui no blogue a importância da gestão das empresas para explicar a variabilidade num mesmo sector económico de um país. Eis mais uma referência sobre o tema, "Leadership Matters: When, How Much, and How?":
"In summary, our research shows the following:

New CEOs often cause a significant, sustained change in performance. The companies of the top 20% of CEOs outperformed their sector by 9 percentage points per year over the course of their tenure, controlling for other factors, whereas the companies of the bottom 20% underperformed by 11 points.
The spread of CEO impact varies by strategic context. The gap between the most and the least successful CEOs is up to 9 points wider in fast-growing, technology-driven businesses than in slower-growing, more-regulated contexts.
The CEO effect tends to decline with scale. The performance spread caused by the CEO effect is greater among smaller firms (driven largely by a higher potential upside), but a significant spread exists in companies of all sizes.
Some actions are associated with CEO success across nearly all contexts. Top-performing CEOs are more likely to take a long-term approach to strategy, accelerate M&A activity, increase their company’s ESG scores, and pay more attention to diversity."
E a implicação disto, é a importância da estratégia de uma organização para os seus resultados, o.mais do que tudo o resto.

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