quarta-feira, maio 13, 2020

Em vez de comando e controlo

Em Covid-19 - Direcção e iteração colaborativa escrevi sobre a diferença entre emergências de rotina e emergências de crise, e sobre a ineficácia do comando e controlo em emergências de crise.

Ontem encontrei:
"Glen Walter, president, North America, for Mondelez, the snack-maker, said the group started by allowing existing teams to take on the extra responsibility of tackling the crisis.
Mondelez created a “framework that allowed a smaller central group to identify strategically a much smaller set of priorities . . . so leaders down in the organisation could move with speed and agility”.
Existing management teams have vastly increased the frequency of interactions, with the
help of online tools.
he is “very hands-on, but only from an insight and guidance point of view, not a ‘doing’ point of view”.
The balance is hard to strike. If leaders try and retain too much control, or avoid decisionmaking, they cause bottlenecks and delay response,
“Leaders benefit from loosening control during crises, enabling staff to creatively and intuitively respond to an uncertain and unknown situation,”"
Trechos retirados de "How to carry your business through the pandemic"

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