terça-feira, janeiro 07, 2020

Prioridades? Que prioridades? (parte II)

Parte I.

Enquanto escrevia a parte I recordava uma manhã em que desembarquei em Coimbra-B e a pé cheguei ao centro da cidade. Na Fernão Magalhães (acho que é assim que se chama) junto a um quiosque parei para apreciar a capa do Diário Económico. No dia anterior, o então presidente Jorge Sampaio tinha anunciado ao país uma lista interminável de prioridades. (BTW, julgo que foi nesse dia que no jornal Público li a decisão no parlamento sobre a instituição do que gerou o défice tarifário, no tempo de Pina Moura como ministro das Finanças. Lembro-me de me fartar de rir com os comentários dos colegas parlamentares à entrada de Maria Carrilho no parlamento com fato e calças brancas: "É o vendedor de gelados")

Entretanto, no último Domingo encontrei:
"There are, however, some things about success that are universally true, priorities and execution being the two most fundamental. These two factors are also the defining difference between those who succeed and those who struggle.
Your Priorities Define Your Success.
However you define success, doing so creates an intention to achieve something, to close some perceived gap.
When you know what you want, you can prioritize what you do with your time and energy, the first being your single, finite, non-renewable resource, and the second being another resource with limits. Without priorities, you can spend your days, weeks, months, and years wasting your time and energy on things that are of no real consequence.
Priorities provide boundaries. You draw a line in the sand by establishing what is most important, deciding some result is more important than some other outcome, based on what it is that you want and how you define success. When you establish priorities, you cut yourself off from the distraction of all the options available to you, especially those that would move you further away from your goals.
What priorities provide is the ability to make a plan to achieve the results you want to make up your life. You can’t execute a goal or an outcome. You can only execute your plan to achieve it. Execution is the variable, accounting for much of the difference between those who make their goals and those who struggle.
Saying yes to what’s most important means saying no to things that are not a priority. When you say yes to the small stuff, you are saying no to bigger things. Those who create their version of success say no to small things, limiting distractions so they can execute their plans.
In the end, there are only priorities and execution. If you want your version of success, you must decide what is good and right and true for you, establishing your priorities."
Quais são as prioridades da sua empresa? São claras? Estão alinhadas com a estratégia? Estão restritas ao que é mesmo, mesmo essencial?

Trechos retirados de "Your Success Is Found in Priorities and Execution"

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