quinta-feira, janeiro 09, 2020

O eterno retorno

A evolução do retalho é um tema recorrente neste blogue há vários anos.

Todos estamos cientes do crescimento das vendas online e do declinio das vendas no retalho físico. Escrevo isto e recordo imagens de lojas na antiga Nacional Nº 1 em São João da Madeira, estávamos em 2011 e as lojas tinham parado em 1988(?). Recordo também imagens no programa "País, País" na terça-feira de Carnaval de 2005, de lojas em Vila Real a protestar contra a abertura de um centro comercial. As imagens retratavam lojas paradas em 1973(?).

Ontem, sem procurar, vieram ter comigo os seguintes artigos:

"Going where people already are is ultimately better for brands, because it means that foot traffic is not entirely dependent on them. Their storefronts will exist in an ecosystem along with restaurants, workout studios, and cultural spots, and someone who makes a trip out to visit any one of these venues will pass by, and perhaps pop into, adjacent ones."

"Given that many people still like to touch, feel and try fashion items before they buy, the industry is well placed to benefit from this theme. We expect fashion retailers to ramp up their presence in neighbourhoods and new districts beyond traditional commercial zones, with stores that reflect the local community and focus on service and experience." 
O eterno retorno...

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