sexta-feira, dezembro 13, 2019

PME e Pricing Power

Stephan Liozu é um craque quando se fala de pricing.

Pricing é um dos temas mais importantes para o futuro das PME portuguesas, embora 99% desconheça o tema. Um tema fundamental quando se quer subir na escala de valor e aumentar preços sem perder clientes., ou seja, fugir da estratégia cancerosa da competição pelo preço.
"After years of cost cutting and expense optimization, business executives in many of these organizations have realized that they cannot cut their way to prosperity and that managing the business for value and pricing excellence has become inevitable. They also know that fighting solely on price never ends well.
"You can't compete with the lowest-cost producer on price and not expect your stock to get clobbered.”
There you have it. Pricing power is formally on Wall Street’s radar.
In November 2011, Warren Buffet said:
The single most important decision in evaluating a business is pricing power. If you’ve got the power to raise prices without losing business to a competitor, you’ve got a very good business. And if you have to have a prayer session before raising the price by 10%, then you’ve got a terrible business”.
I identified six items or activities helping with that:
1.Ability to successfully defend our price premium versus competitors:
2.Ability to make price moves first in the marketplace:
3.Ability to capture a large share of the value delivered to customers:
4.Ability to price and launch innovative and differentiated offerings at a premium:
5.Ability to raise prices consistently every year without losing demand:
6.Ability to capture a large share of our intended price increases:
Bottom line, innovation and differentiation positions lead to superior pricing power. This is not a real surprise, but it reinforced the need for manufacturing and B2B firms to focus on these two dimensions and to invest in a robust pipeline. More interesting is the lack of significance of the relationship between competitive intensity and pricing power.
Pricing power does not come on its own.
So are you paying enough attention to your pricing power? Is it time for your organization to better control your pricing destiny? Join the pricing revolution!"

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