quinta-feira, novembro 07, 2019

Cuidado com os mitos

Um artigo interessante, "5 Myths About Strategy":
"Strategy is not about the long term or the short term, but about the fundamentals of how the business works: the sources of value creation, the drivers of the cost to deliver it, and the basis of competition. To get a grip on strategy, we do not need to lengthen the time horizon of our thinking, but its depth. Far from being about things we are going to do in the future, strategy is about what we are going to do now in order to shape the future to our advantage. [Moi ici: Um ponto de vista que subscrevo. Estamos ao volante e queremos ter um futuro desenhado por nós, ainda que não tenhamos poder sobre ventos e marés]
Agility is not a strategy. It is a capability, a very valuable one which has immediate operational benefits, but that cannot permanently affect a firm’s competitive position unless there is a strategist taking the right decisions about where to direct that capability. And the seeming absence of a plan doesn’t mean that successful start-ups don’t have strategies. A strategy is not a plan, it is a framework for decision-making, a set of guiding principles which can be applied as the situation evolves. And most start-ups fail because being able to turn on a dime doesn’t mean that you’ll turn in the right direction."
Cuidado com os mitos

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