"Given the number of savers desperate to lend money to someone who offers a great return, why aren’t there more start-ups, VCs or large companies investing in productive projects? Aren’t there enough projects that produce a positive rate of return? The answer to this question is a depressing no. The low growth environment we have witnessed since 2005 tells us that something else is happening on the demand side. It’s not just a global saving glut; there is also a shortage of investment at the global level.E recordo "O padrão Mongo" de Dezembro de 2015.
Companies holding record levels of cash or borrowing to fund share buybacks are both signs of a world short on good ideas and investment opportunities."
É como aqueles tipos que vão ao Shark Tank apresentam a sua ideia e, todos os tubarões elogiam a ideia, desejam boa sorte, mas resolvem não entrar com capital porque dizem: é um negócio pequeno, não há dinheiro para eu ganhar.
O futuro não é para gigantes (empresas grandes), gigantes = suckiness! Mongo = paixão!
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