quarta-feira, julho 03, 2019

"how that strategy fit in their world"

"You might have the most compelling vision for your organization, but if you can’t get it out of your head and get others to see it and believe in it, it might as well not even exist.
Just because the strategy makes sense to you doesn’t mean it will take only an instant for others to see it like you do. [Moi ici: Recordar "Para assentar ideias"] We often think that others think as we do, that others see the world as we do, but it’s more likely that there’s a lot of ground to cover between their perspective and yours. Employees come to their jobs with their own context, and it’s the leader’s job to help them understand the collective context, including how you see the marketplace today, and how that led to your strategy. [Moi ici: Na última conversa oxigenadora o meu colega usou o termo: entrar no mundo do outro. Se alguém quer que um dado objectivo da empresa seja assumido por um trabalhador, tem de se fazer um trabalho que passe por uma ida ao mundo do trabalhador e traduzir esse objectivo em algo que responda à pergunta: o que é que eu ganho com isto? "O que eu ganho com isto" não é quase sempre dinheiro, mas uma razão para justificar qualquer mudança]
According to our research, a majority of employees globally don’t understand their company’s strategy and, as a consequence, how they fit in. [Moi ici: Pergunta sincera - será "how they fit in" ou não será antes "how that strategy fit in their world"?. O que apreciei neste filme de 2008 (obrigado Eduardo) foi a viagem para levar a motivação ao mundo de cada um]"
Trechos retirados de "6 Steps to Help Your Employees Understand Your Strategy"

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