sexta-feira, março 15, 2019

Mais sanitas (parte II)

Parte I.

O meu colega das conversas oxigenadoras sempre me disse que a Industria 4.0 requer gente com um grande espírito crítico. Recordo de Março e Fevereiro do ano passado "E as pessoas para a Indústria 4.0?" e "Está tudo relacionado".

Ontem, li "The ironies of automation":
"Some think this isn't a problem. One airline executive recently told the WSJ that pilots don’t need to know how underlying systems are built because, “they’re not engineers and their job is to fly the aircraft.” But this perception overlooks a seldom discussed irony: the more automated the system, the more crucial the human operator becomes. That’s because automation doesn’t purge demand for human labour, instead it changes the type of labour needed.
technology, while addressing one set of problems, often creates others. Decades later, that observation still rings true. Automation enthusiasts would be wise to temper expectations accordingly. Particularly in company boardrooms, where automation is increasingly seen as a panacea, and a way to reduce costs, rather than a tool."

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