Uma primeira versão para trabalharem e desenvolverem argumentos de venda junto de potenciais clientes. Uma iniciativa de louvar.
Todos, a começar por mim, sentimos-nos incomodados com o contra, "investimento". Estamos a chamar a atenção para o custo da coisa. No entanto, a realidade é que a coisa custa dinheiro.
“Pricing is a marketing tool, not simply a way to get moneySeth Godin usa um subtítulo que merece destaque: "“Cheap” is another way to say “scared”"
Eventually, you’re going to have to tell people how much you’re charging for your services and products. There are two key things to keep in mind about pricing:
Marketing changes your pricing.Pricing changes your marketing.
Because people form assumptions and associations based on your pricing, and your pricing shapes what people believe about your service, it’s important to be clear about how you position yourself. [Moi ici: Mas se eu me queixo que as empresas não se definem, não se posicionam, preferem ir a tudo e todos... medo!] Your price should be aligned with the extremes you claimed as part of your positioning.
Unless you’ve found an extraordinary new way to deliver your service or product, racing to be the cheapest probably means that you’re not investing sufficiently in change.
When you’re the cheapest, you’re not promising change. You’re promising the same, but cheaper.
The race to the bottom is tempting, because nothing is easier to sell than cheaper. [Moi ici: O problema é que competir pelo preço mais baixo não é para quem quer, é para quem pode.] It requires no new calculations or deep thinking on the part of your customer. It’s not cultural or emotional. It’s simply cheaper.
Low price is the last refuge of a marketer who has run out of generous ideas.
When people are heavily invested (cash or reputation or effort), they often make up a story to justify their commitment. And that story carries trust.
Every con man knows this. The irony is that marketers who need to be trusted often don’t understand it.
Lowering your price doesn’t make you more trusted. It does the opposite."
Excerto de: Seth Godin. “This Is Marketing”
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