segunda-feira, novembro 05, 2018

Acerca do uso de KPIs

"Regardless of the indicators’ historical provenance, the overwhelming majority of executives we surveyed — senior executives in their companies — report using some version of KPIs to measure organizational competitiveness, effectiveness, and success. (In our survey, we defined key performance indicators as “the quantifiable measures an organization uses to determine how well it meets its declared operational and strategic goals.”) Surprisingly, however, a considerable portion does not significantly rely on KPIs to lead their people and processes. Nearly 30% of respondents say their organization’s KPIs only somewhat, minimally, or not at all (!) drive how they lead or manage their people and processes. A larger portion, more than 40%, say their organization’s KPIs are moderately influential."

Trecho e imagem retirada de "Leading With Next-Generation Key Performance Indicators"

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