quinta-feira, novembro 23, 2017

"if you discover your pricing strategy isn’t working"

Alguns conselhos que fazem sentido:
"So, if your pricing isn’t working, what can you do about it? Well, you have several options, but here are a few to consider:
Raise your prices. Raising your prices allows you to work with fewer clients [Moi ici: Não percebo porque mais empresas não aprendem esta verdade. Recordar "Um euro de crescimento em preço..."] and gives you more time to deliver great results. What you do is valuable --  own that fact and know your worth.
Change your target audience. If you know that what you are offering provides value, but are still experiencing low conversion rates and/or hearing complaints, this could mean that you are barking up the wrong tree. It may be time to consider other markets or pivot in a new direction to find your ideal clients. Also, if you are spending time with people who don't see your value or complain about your pricing, it is definitely time for you to move on. Remember, if they can't see the value, it’s their problem, not yours.
Look at your systems. Recognizing when your current systems aren't working and investing in your processes, could be the time-saving boost that you need to get your cycle back into alignment and get your business back to growth.
In short, if you discover your pricing strategy isn’t working, it’s imperative to take an honest look at yourself, your business, and your current customers. This means pulling data, examining your metrics, and asking others their perspective about what’s working or not working."
Trechos retirados de "Pricing for Profitability: You Are in Control, Even If It Doesn’t Feel That Way Yet"

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