"How can leaders translate the complexity of strategy into guidelines that are simple and flexible enough to execute? Rather than trying to boil the strategy down to a pithy statement, it’s better to develop a small set of priorities that everyone gets behind to produce results.Este: "Most winning strategies are based on a bundle of choices" é coerente com a ideia da estratégia não passar de uma hipótese e, ninguém com dois dedos de testa dever acreditar cegamente numa hipótese sem a testar na prática... engraçado, estou a recordar outro tweet de Osterwalder:
Strategy, at its heart, is about choice. Few companies succeed by making a single big bet. Most winning strategies are based on a bundle of choices about, among other things, the customers to serve, the scope of the business, product offerings, and capabilities that interact with one another to help a company make money."
Turning an idea into a business is a “search” problem, not an “execution” problem. pic.twitter.com/ihJSqWEdGR— Alex Osterwalder🇨🇭 (@AlexOsterwalder) March 19, 2017
"An evolving portfolio of strategic experiments gives the management team more choices, which means better odds that some of the choices will be right … The objective is to be able to make lots of small bets, and only make big bets as a part of amplifying successful experiments when uncertainties are much lower.”E uma nova ligação
"Strategy is inherently complex. We see this in the thick reports and complex frameworks that companies use to describe their strategic choices and how they connect with one another. Describing a strategy favors complexity, but executing it requires simplicity. To influence day-to-day activities, strategies need to be simple enough for leaders at every level of the organization to understand, communicate, and remember — a strategy that gathers dust on a shelf is nothing more than an expensive bookend. A strategy for execution must provide concrete guidance while leaving managers with enough flexibility to seize novel opportunities, mitigate unexpected risks, and adapt to local conditions. The act of codifying past choices into an explicit strategy, moreover, reinforces historical commitments and locks a company into inertia. Complex strategies, particularly those that include detailed plans, tend to be long on guidance but short on flexibility.
. (bushes)
2 comentários:
Muito bom k texto!!
Me fez ir ao link do beinhocker, no qual me deparo com "Assim, continuo a achar que estas abordagens para vencer o paradoxo estratégico são mais fáceis de aplicar a grandes empresas mas pouco úteis para PME's pouco capitalizadas e com poucos recursos humanos com capacidade para viver experiências fora do corpo.
Sou tentado a preferir desenhar potenciais cenários para, depois, equacionar uma estratégia mais robusta."
Você continua com o mesmo pensamento?
Talvez já não esteja tão seguro.
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