segunda-feira, novembro 06, 2017

Ainda acerca de começar pelo fim

Ontem ao recordar "Mais um monumento à treta - parte II" reli:
"Se ainda não leram o Plano, óptimo, porque é assim mesmo na vida real (ou deveria ser assim). Antes de investirmos um nano-segundo que seja no desenvolvimento, na criação do conteúdo do plano, devemos começar por definir o ponto de chegada.
Começar pelo fim!!! Onde queremos chegar?" 
E pensei, puxar versus empurrar. Já escrevi sobre isso...

Setembro de 2006, "Puxar, não empurrar"
BTW, "Relative Effects of Forward and Backward Planning on Goal Pursuit":
"Across five studies using various planning paradigms, we demonstrated that backward planning leads to greater motivation and better goal-directed behavior than does forward planning. Furthermore, relative to forward planning, backward planning allows people to more clearly anticipate the necessary steps and follow the original plan to reach the set goal; backward planning also leads to higher goal expectancy and less time pressure when coordinating the steps required to accomplish the goal is complex.
A recent study also examined order of planning and found that (relative to forward  planning) backward planning allows people to clarify important steps as well as potential obstacles to goal achievement. At first glance, the anticipation of obstacles in backward planning appears to contradict our finding that backward planning leads to higher goal expectancy and less time pressure. However, we expect that, in line with fantasy-realization theory, backward planning allows a clear view of essential steps, including obstacles, and effective management of goal pursuit, ultimately leading to higher goal expectancy and lesser time pressure than an unclear view predicted in forward planning.
A  variety  of  goals,  such  as  academic  degrees,  career choices, and financial planning, require complex plans to accomplish. Our findings indicate that planning in reverse chronological order may not only help people have a clearer view of tasks to execute but also improve their actual performance."
Grande lição que aprendi com Stephen Covey em "The seven habits of highly effective people", "Begin with the end in mind"

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