sábado, maio 20, 2017

"Demand windows create opportunities to drive better targeting and engagement along the path to purchase"

Acerca dos clientes-alvo e da sua caracterização:
"The notion of a typical consumer, one whose gender, age, ethnicity, and zip code can be used to make reasonably accurate assumptions about purchasing behavior, is a thing of the past.
Many consumer packaged goods (CPG) categories now consist of hundreds of brands, and new niche products launch every week. People can shop at supermarkets, warehouse stores, convenience stores, and a huge array of e-commerce sites. And there are far more ways for marketers to engage with shoppers, including mobile apps and social media.
Given this complexity, it’s more critical than ever for brands to find consumers in the moment. Doing so requires a more integrated view of what drives choice, one that isn’t tied to one-dimensional demographics or a narrowly defined need. Companies have to combine a deep knowledge of who is shopping, and when, and where, and why, with an understanding of the emotional and functional benefits of their products.
As you make those connections, you gain insight about specific situations, or demand windows, in which consumers want or need to make a purchase. These windows open and close based on different factors at different times.[Moi ici: Diferentes JBTD]
Context is everything.
Demand windows create opportunities to drive better targeting and engagement along the path to purchase by more directly linking brand, consumer, channel, and occasion

To implement a strategy based on demand windows, start with the following three steps:
1. Identify your ideal windows. Any given product has a long list of potential demand windows, but only a select few are the right choice for your company. The winnowing process begins with a clear understanding of your company’s own capabilities.
2. Tailor your sales and marketing approach. A detailed understanding of demand windows allows you to engage consumers in a way that a company using old segmentation approaches cannot.
3. Innovate to create new products and services. Beyond improving marketing strategies for current products, demand windows can help companies develop new products.
In a crowded field, demand windows enable companies to find the consumers who are most likely to want or need their brand. Rather than offering quick wins, they can help companies develop a more sustainable source of competitive advantage that will bring growth and profitability."
Aquela tecla de que se calhar não são os clientes-alvo como entidades de per si mas os contextos, as situações em que se encontram, os trabalhos que procuram que conta para trabalhar a procura. Recordar: "it is the situation rather than the customer"

Trechos retirados de "Connecting the Dots from Brand to Demand"

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