sexta-feira, abril 07, 2017

Três imperativos estratégicos

"In the simplest terms: I will make the case that there are three strategic imperatives that drive sustained profitable growth:
  1. Continuous innovation—not for its own sake, but to deliver.... 
  1. Meaningful differentiation—recognized and valued by consumers, enabled by.... 
  1. Business alignment—where all corporate capabilities, resources, incentives, and business culture and processes are aligned to support a company's strategic intent. 
By continuously delivering innovative and meaningfully differentiated products and services, companies can attract and retain customers at favorable prices, while making it difficult for competitors to replicate their products and business practices. These outcomes in turn are the essential drivers of long-term profitable growth."

Trecho retirado de  "If You're in a Dogfight, Become a Cat!: Strategies for Long-Term Growth"

1 comentário:

Paulo Peres disse...

que gráfico maravilhoso