sexta-feira, janeiro 20, 2017


Em Pre-suasion fiquei preso por alguns minutos a esta frase:
"(1) what is more accessible in mind becomes more probable in action, and (2) this accessibility is influenced by the informational cues around us and by our raw associations to them."
E comecei a relacioná-la com as empresas pouco ou nada habituadas a pensamento estratégico, pouco ou nada habituadas a relacionar o contexto de hoje com as eventuais repercussões no depois de amanhã. Empresas sempre apanhadas de surpresa ou sempre prontas a cair nos braços protectores pedo-mafiosos dos governos em busca de uma lei, um apoio, uma excepção para fazer face a uma mudança no mercado.

Depois, relacionei-a com as empresas habituadas a pensar no depois de amanhã, a pensar um pouco mais acima da pirâmide de Maslow. Foi então que fiz a ligação a isto:
"“Neurons that fire together wire together.” In other words, parts of the brain that are continually activated together will physically associate with one another in the future. The more frequently a pattern of mental activity occurs in your mind, the more entrenched the associated neural pathway becomes in your brain, and the easier it becomes to follow that same pathway in the future — in fact, it can become totally automatic.
This process is loosely analogous to the way a powerful search engine works. When you search Google, for example, for a particular term or phrase, the software takes note. It also tracks the results that you click on and records your selection of the items presented to you. The next time you use the Google search engine, it will feature more prominently the terms and results that you chose before, because it is designed with the assumption that this is closer to what you want. You get more of what you’ve already looked for; the results in your future echo the choices of your past.
In a somewhat similar way, your brain circuits are strengthened by the choices you make about where and how to focus your attention."
Não está na altura da sua empresa começar a exercitar o pensamento estratégico? Talvez possamos ajudar.

Trecho retirado de "The Neuroscience of Strategic Leadership"

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