sexta-feira, outubro 07, 2016

Diferenciação e B2B

"in our experience, there are 4 methods for increasing product differentiation that are generally underutilized, if not completely ignored.
In a commoditized B2B market, there are four additional ways to differentiate your offering from the competition and increase your differentiation: leveraging the brand, innovating your service offering, as well as designing product and packaging in a way that creates an aesthetic beyond the functional."
Quantas destas alavancas as PME em Portugal utilizam? E a sua empresa?
Ontem, ao realizar uma auditoria, foi bom descobrir uma PME a apostar na criação de uma marca B2B, a apostar no desenvolvimento de actividade comercial proactiva, ...
Trechos retirados de "differentiating - alternative ways to differentiate in an increasingly commoditizing market place"

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