sexta-feira, julho 01, 2016

Preparar a sua empresa para o Brexit

Coisas práticas: cuidar dos feridos, enterrar os mortos, e pensar em "short-term survival and long-term advantage".
 Judging by our interactions with CEOs around the world to date, some of their burning questions are:
What are the elements of uncertainty created by Brexit?
How can leaders develop a specific view of the industry- and firm-level implications?
What are the first-response imperatives for corporate leaders?
What structural changes to the business environment are triggered by Brexit, and how do we adapt to them?
This is how we recommend CEOs approach these difficult questions:
Identify the sources of uncertainty...
Determine the specific industry- and firm-level implications...
Turn thoughts into action...
Adapt to the new post-Brexit business environment...
a renewed emphasis on strategy under uncertainty, with a focus on flexibility, adaptiveness, and resilience."
Vale a pena ler e esboçar:
  • 1 mapa das incertezas;
  • 2 desenvolver vários cenários;
  • 3 estudar a sensibilidade da empresa e sector a cada um dos cenários; e
  • 4 usar os cenários e sensibilidades para testar os planos da enpresa.

build an “uncertainty map.”
From the map, combine various values to develop multiple scenarios.
Trechos retirados de "A CEO’s Guide to Navigating Brexit"

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