sábado, maio 21, 2016

Democratização da produção

"Just as the democratization of information through personal computers was a key advance of the 20th century, the democratization of production through improvements in fabrication technologies will be a pivotal development in the 21st century.
personal fabrication systems are beginning to allow individuals access to these same technologies.
early access and opportunities to practice are the keys to success in any field involving complex tasks.
We believe the advent of personal fabrication will affect society in unexpected ways, just as the advent of personal computing did. This will likely extend to the humanities as well as science and engineering.
Personal fabrication offers the opportunity to democratize innovation. Schools must provide early access to the tools needed to develop skills required to take advantage of this opportunity."
Duas notas:

  • quando escrevi este "Para reflexão" (parte I e parte II) era sobre isto mesmo:
 "O caminho faz-se caminhando... em vez de esperar e entrar mais lá à frente, quanto mais cedo se entrar mais cedo se identificarão novas oportunidades de negócio, novos nichos, novas fontes de receita."
Quantas PME estão a "brincar" e a acumular experiências que darão origem a intuições sobre o futuro?

  • quantas escolas estão a proporcionar este acesso a estas tecnologias? Quantos alunos têm oportunidade de simplesmente brincar com estas ferramentas?
Trechos retirados de "The Democratization of Production"

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