segunda-feira, novembro 30, 2015

Produtividade e criatividade

Uma expressão que uso há muitos anos, "não culpar a caneta, quando a culpa é de quem escreve", recordar:

Por isso, saliento este artigo "To Get More Creative, Become Less Productive":
"There is a fundamental tension between productivity and creativity, and managers won’t get more of the latter until they recognize it.
Creativity needs time and space to grow.
That means people need to have the time to learn things that are not obviously relevant to their jobs, so that they will have a broad and deep knowledge base to draw from when they need to be creative.
This difference between productivity and creativity is a central reason why many companies want more creativity from their employees than they get."
Demasiada preocupação com a quantidade de trabalho não conjuga bem com criatividade... trade-offs.

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