segunda-feira, junho 22, 2015

Algo que a tríade ainda não percebeu

"Scale isn’t what it used to be. It’s never been easier to start a company, and as a result new entrants are unbundling incumbents’ businesses and chipping away at their advantage. Upstarts ... decomposing markets into highly customized niches so that the incumbents can’t compete on scale alone. And by now it’s clear that these companies are well positioned to achieve greater success than originally envisioned, and may displace many of the Fortune 500 brands over the next decade or two. It’s also clear that this is an economy-wide phenomenon. The playing field is being leveled across a variety of industries:
There are companies attempting to redefine customer experiences in almost every industry including education, healthcare, and financial services.
Today’s innovative companies also run the risk of being  disrupted by a new generation of nimble upstarts that will use the very same unbundled business model to their advantage. [Moi ici: Recordar a previsão acerca das plataformas de 2ª geração] Businesses will need to persistently focus on product and customer success, because for most firms scale isn’t a moat any more.
Still, the lessons for businesses are relatively simple. For incumbents: you can’t count on scale like you used to. For entrepreneurs: rent scale where you can, and focus on product design above all else."
O mundo mudou e muita gente, sobretudo membros da tríade, continua a pensar como quando tinha vinte anos, e se vivia no Normalistão do século XX.
Claro que num país de incumbentes, esta nova realidade fluída e muito mais volátil deixa sempre uma especial sensação de mal-estar.

Trechos retirados de "Why Startups Are More Successful than Ever at Unbundling Incumbents"

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