quinta-feira, maio 14, 2015

Introdução ao value based pricing

Há dias o @pauloperes recomendou-me a leitura de "A beginner's guide to value-based pricing".
Uma boa leitura para quem pensa no desafio da aplicação do value based pricing:
"Labourers price by the hour; Leaders price by value.
Linking cost with time turns you into a commodity.
Instead, focus on attaching cost to value. How much is the end result worth to the client?
Labourers compete on price,and it’s a race to the bottom of the price ladder.
Leaders are respected for their skills and the unique way that they transform client problems into smart solutions. Leaders are hired specifically because of who they are. You can’t take one leader out of the equation and swap another in, since the results and problem-solving approach would vary significantly.
Remember: Your price is not just for the task at hand but for all that you bring to the table.
Your client wants results and an end product, so relate what you suggest creating for them to that above all else."

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