domingo, maio 17, 2015

Cuidado com o que os economistas aprenderam nos anos 50

Um tema que me é caro, o combate ao eficientismo acrítico, só porque situacionalmente houve um período de tempo em que a eficiência, a escala e o volume eram o ás de trunfo.
"When it comes to thinking about scale, the assumption held by corporate leaders since Henry Ford’s day has been that bigger is better. The advantages of large-scale operations are clear
But a single-minded focus on increasing scale doesn’t always bring happy returns. Large, centralized operations [Moi ici: Algo me diz que a concentração eficientista está na origem de casos como o desta semana da recolha de milhões de Hondas, Toyotas e Nissans com problemas] can have the effect of limiting the opportunities for innovation, impeding customer responsiveness, stunting employee development, and numbing sensitivity to industry and environmental changes.
In our research, we have found that small-scale operations provide significant advantages in four areas.1 They allow companies to locate hot spots and tap into local knowledge networks; make it possible to respond more rapidly to customer needs and to trends in regional demand; enable companies to monitor potentially disruptive technologies; and help hold down labor costs while developing managerial talent."
Interessante o que o artigo refere sobre a cerveja artesanal:
"Beer production, for example, has long been driven by scale economies. As the diameter of pipes or vats increases by a small fraction, equipment costs increase relatively little but capacity increases a lot. As a result, it makes great sense to increase the size of mashing tuns and fermentation vats or to move to higher volume continuous processes that make use of larger pipes. However, the higher volume processes also result in higher-volume products that have to be shipped long distances. That level of production opens up opportunities for low-volume producers in niche markets that can generate alternative varieties of beer and bypass such processes as pasteurization or filtration (or both).
Small beer producers (microbreweries and pub breweries) correctly believed that  some consumers prefer variety in their beer and make their choice a personal statement."
Recordar a fábrica de Loulé e viram mesmo algo de interessante sair das mini-fábricas? Não basta a capacidade técnica e os euros quando não há paixão.
BTW, recordar o que teria feito com a fábrica, em 2007, se tivesse dinheiro e isto, embora eu tentasse fugir das grandes séries.

Trechos retirados de "Exploring Scale: The Advantages of Thinking Small"

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