sexta-feira, março 20, 2015

"They shape the future"

Ainda na quarta-feira à noite, num jantar de francesinhas, o Aranha recordava esta frase de Seinfeld:
"Not That There Is Anything Wrong With That".
Por isso, sorri esta manhã, ao ler "What George Costanza Can Teach the C-Suite":
"Most companies get trapped on the growth treadmill, chasing multiple opportunities wherever the market is heading. The most successful companies, however, commit to doing only what they do best, and they grow by applying this in a very clear-minded and disciplined way in the market.
Most companies pursue functional excellence and benchmark everything. Unfortunately, this approach leads them to the same crowded place in the market as everyone else.
Winning companies don’t simply react. They shape the future: reimagine their capabilities, create demand and realign their industry on their own terms.
Advantage is transient. Even the most formidable position is vulnerable to the melee of pressures in today’s market."

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