segunda-feira, dezembro 01, 2014

"Pricing has a dramatic but frequently underappreciated effect on profits"

Em "Value-Based Pricing: The Driver to Increased Short-Term Profits", de Andreas Hinterhuber e Evandro Pollono na revista "Finance & Management" de Maio de 2014, esta figura sobre um tema muito importante para este blogue, o impacte do preço na rentabilidade:
"Pricing has a dramatic but frequently underappreciated effect on profits. A study of a sample of Fortune 500 companies showed the impact of pricing exceeded the impact of other elements of the marketing mix on profitability. 
An increase in average selling prices of 5% increases EBIT by an average of 22%, while other activities, such as revenue growth or cost reduction tend to have a much smaller impact.
Value-based pricing is especially appropriate for highly differentiated products. But it would be a mistake to assume it is only appropriate for products with a clear competitive advantage, such as branded tablet PCs or life-saving pharmaceuticals. Value-based pricing should guide pricing decisions for apparent commodity products as well."

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