quarta-feira, novembro 05, 2014

Sinal dos tempos...

Sinal dos tempos...
Sempre associei a marca Nestlé a crianças, a comida para crianças...
" Nestlé completed a study to design foods that would better meet the needs of elderly people (whose nutritional requirements differ from those of younger people because of bone, joint, and muscle conditions). Both the business and the R&D organizations were intensely involved, and as a result, he says, “the business side knows what it’s going to get, and the R&D side knows what it has to work on.”
Nestlé’s recent study also ties into another key finding from previous years: the importance of gaining deeper insights into customers’ wants and needs. This year, more than three-quarters of the participants said their understanding of customers had become notably more detailed over the last decade. “One of the big changes is the way companies bring in consumer insights,” says Frank Dethier, innovation manager at chemical manufacturer Huntsman Corporation."
E a sua empresa, tem em conta a evolução demográfica na Europa?
Trechos retirados de "The Global Innovation 1000: Proven Paths to Innovation Success"

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