sábado, outubro 04, 2014

Acerca da estratégia

"Strategy tools are abstractions from reality that illuminate and identify some features and causal relations while simplifying or omitting others. So their usefulness depends on context, and their effectiveness changes with time.
Strategy discussions are invariably burdened by resource-allocation agendas; actually, what’s labeled “strategic” is often what is politically protected by senior management, not what’s most valuable for a firm. Many a strategy discussion is actually about executives saying, “You aren’t going to cut my unit.”
I think we don’t pay enough attention to the difference between strategy as resource allocation and strategy as insight generation. There is a yearly strategy process, which focuses on resource allocation. We should acknowledge it as such and better understand its pathologies. But we also need to take a fresh look at how we identify ways to improve a firm’s positioning and performance, by explicitly asking, “What insight-generating activities, tools, and frameworks would be useful?”"

Trechos retirados de "What strategists need: A meeting of the minds"

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