sexta-feira, agosto 22, 2014

Democracia no Iraque, alguém falou nisso?

Especialmente dedicado ao Engº Ângelo Correia que há dias na SICN defendia uma economia de "o respeitinho é muito lindo" e ao professor Ricardo Reis.
"Trying to apply management practices uniformly across geographies is a fool’s errand, much as we’d like to think otherwise.
Context matters. This is not news to social scientists, or indeed to my colleagues who study leadership, but we have paid it insufficient attention in the field of management. There is nothing wrong with the analytic tools we have at our disposal, but their application requires careful thought. It requires contextual intelligence: the ability to understand the limits of our knowledge and to adapt that knowledge to an environment different from the one in which it was developed.
Rather than assume that technical knowledge will trump local conditions, we should expect institutional contextto significantly affect industry structure."
Recordo logo várias coisas que a minha cultura rotula de parvoíces infantilizantes, que funcionam na cultura norte-americana mas que cá seriam recebidas de forma pouco abonatória.
Trechos retirados de "Contextual intelligence"

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