sábado, julho 05, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

Por que será que este fenómeno inegável, descrito por Pacheco Pereira:
"a ditadura estatal do fisco, a burocratização de toda a actividade social para aumentar o controlo do Estado"
O monstro precisa de dinheiro, o monstro na sua gula precisa sempre de mais dinheiro.
O monstro vai ver, cada vez mais, Mongo como um mundo pouco amigável para a cobrança de impostos e, por isso, vai combatê-lo com cada vez mais força e descaramento.
Quando as pessoas começarem a fazer isto com algum volume "Renting Home Appliances: the Rise of a New Business Model" muito IVA deixará de ser cobrado, logo o monstro vai reagir:
"The idea of renting furniture is really beginning to catch on and is now also spreading to home appliances and equipment.
Following on from house, apartment and vehicle rentals, the rental business has now spread to household goods such as electrical appliances, DIY tools and even clothing. The need to balance household budgets, greater geographical mobility and new consumer habits are all reasons why many people prefer not to invest long term in equipment for the home."
Um bom exemplo das instituições extractivas que abominam a destruição criativa aqui:
"I invested every penny I earned in high-quality photographs, a superbly designed website and tasteful packaging. “Le macaron grec” was born and the little olive green boxes of treats I was selling were, I thought, my chance to regain control of my life.
“Le macaron grec” became a huge success, as I was in demand to cater parties and weddings. The Huffington Post wrote a feature story about my business in May of 2013, and I felt like I was on my way.
But as happens so often in Greece, the bureaucrats had other plans. In a country where you are viewed favorably when you spend money but are considered a criminal when you make it, starting a business is a nightmare. The demands are outrageous, and include a requirement that the business pay taxes in advance equal to 50 percent of estimated profit in the first two years. And the taxes are collected even if the business suffers a loss.
I needed only 20 square meters for my baking business, but inspectors told me they could not give me permission for less than 150 square meters. I was obliged to have a separate toilet for customers even though I would not have any customers visit. The fire department wanted a security exit in the same place where the municipality demanded a wall be built.
I, like thousands of others trying to start businesses, learned that I would be at the mercy of public employees who interpreted the laws so they could profit themselves.
And so in the winter of 2013, my business was finished before it had a chance to take off."
Aposto que Pacheco Pereira, qual Marcelo e o aborto, é o primeiro a não querer cortes na despesa do monstro e, ao mesmo tempo, a estar contra a acção do monstro para aumentar a eficácia extractiva.

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