domingo, abril 13, 2014

Prisioneiros do muros altos que ergueram.

Ontem comecei a leitura de "Service-Dominat Logic: Premises, Perspectives, Possibilities" de Robert Lusch e Stephen Vargo.
No primeiro capítulo li:
"Institutionalization refers to the shared acceptance of concepts, meanings, and normative behaviors - it allows coordination by providing rules of the game. It also allows human actors to "think," communicate, and act without taxing their limited calculative capacity. A dominant logic is a set of related, institutionalized conceptualizations concerning some activity or object - in the case of G-D logic, economic exchange.
Performativity relates to acting in accordance with an institutionalized logic and thus implies at least a partial self-fulfillment."
À noite, encontrei este texto "Crowdsourcing fashion".
O que quero realçar é algo que Niraj Dawar não se cansou de chamar a atenção em "Tilt: Shifting Your Strategy from Products to Customers".
Segundo Vargo e Lusch:
"Importantly, institutions are almost always ignored in traditional approaches to firm strategy. However, it is one of the most crucial determinants of a firm being able to design and reconfigure markets and its future. For customers, the firm needs to know if there are institutions required for a new solution (service) to be successful, and, if there are whether these institutions are in place, and whether any institutions need to be desintitutionalized."
Segundo Niraj Dawar, como referimos em "Para reflexão" quem aposta em alterar as instituições em curso e re-institucionalizar outro modelo, quem re-escreve o mercado, tem uma vantagem tremenda sobre os concorrentes, eles continuam agarrados ao modelo mental anterior, prisioneiros do muros altos que ergueram.
Por isso, foi com um sorriso cúmplice que li em "Crowdsourcing fashion":
"Finally there is the issue of how easy it would be to copy this model. To date, existing brands have not.
“We benefit a little bit from how old this industry is. A lot of fashion companies are used to working a certain way, and either they’re too wedded to the traditional retail model – they can’t walk away from hundreds and hundreds of stores, that’s too scary – or they just don’t get it. They say, ‘No, we’ve always done business this way, why would we change?’”"

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