sábado, março 08, 2014


É sempre um gosto ler Don Peppers, desta vez "Building Customer Relationships in Four Steps".
Nós que aqui no blogue advogamos o papel da relação, da interacção com os clientes, da identificação dos clientes-alvo e da concentração e foco do negócio, não podíamos deixar de sublinhar:
"In order to set up and manage your relationships with individual customers, you have to accomplish four basic things:
Identify customers individually. Obviously, you can’t have a relationship with an audience or a population, but only with an individual. So before you can establish a relationship you must be capable of identifying customers, one customer at a time.
Differentiate customers, one from another. Customers differ from each other, in terms of both their value to your business, and what they need from your business.
Interact with customers. Almost by definition, a relationship depends on some interaction between two parties. You want those interactions to be cost-efficient, so drive more and more interactions into more efficient channels. But you also want them to be effective -- that is, to tell you something about the customer's needs or value, for instance, that you can't learn simply by observing.
Customize for customers. The “pay off step” for managing a customer relationship comes when your business behaves differently toward that customer. We call this "customization" even though we're not necessarily talking about it in terms of literally customizing the product or service. But whenever I treat Customer A different from Customer B, based on what I think I know about their differences, I am "customizing" the customer's treatment.
The first two tasks – identifying customers and differentiating them – are steps that a company can take in the privacy
By contrast, the third step – interaction – demands the customer’s personal attention and participation.
And the fourth step, customizing your behavior in some way to a particular customer, also involves the individual customer directly, as the "recipient" of this behavior."
I - Identificar
D - Diferenciar
I - Interagir
C - Customizar

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