sexta-feira, janeiro 03, 2014

Acerca da resiliência

"Resilience is the best strategy for those realistic enough to admit that they can't predict the future with more accuracy than others.
most competitions aren't winner take all. Most endeavors we participate in offer long-term, generous entrants plenty of rewards. Playing the game is a form of winning the game. In those competitions, we win by being resilient. (Moi ici: Nem de propósito. Ainda esta manhã recordei Beinhocker e a sua citação)
Unfortunately, partly due to our fear of losing as well as our mythologizing of the winner-take-all, we often make two mistakes. The first is to overdo our focus on accuracy, on guessing right, on betting it all on the 'right' answer. We underappreciate just how powerful long-term resilience can be.
And the second mistake is to be so overwhelmed by all the choices and all the apparent risk that instead of choosing the powerful path of resilience, we choose not to play at all. Denial rarely pays."
BTW, resiliência não conjuga bem com endividamento para lá do razoável.

Trechos retirados de "Accuracy, resilience and denial"

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