sexta-feira, julho 05, 2013

Segmentação com base no comportamento

"The idea that clusters of customers can be targeted based on certain similarities is nothing new. Typically, firms segment customers on the basis of demographics: age, gender, geographic location, and so forth. The problem with this is that demography is not destiny; people who share a demographic profile often don’t behave in the same way, don’t have the same needs, and won’t share the same perceptions of value.
The upshot is that an entrepreneurial mindset calls for insight into the people in the target segment’s behavior rather than settling for the same old segments everyone else uses. Ideally, you not only discover a new segment, but can actually carve this segment out of conventional ones by resegmenting.
Can you identify a significant subset of customers whose behavior and motivations are not well served by companies using conventional segmentation approaches? Finding them involves discovering two things: First, what is different about the needs of this subsegment that is reflected in behavioral differences, and second, how can you respond in such a way that your offering is more compelling than those of competitors?"
Trechos retirados de "The Entrepreneurial Mindset" de Rita McGrath e Ian MacMillan.

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