quarta-feira, julho 10, 2013

Por todo o lado a mesma receita

Por todo o lado a mesma receita, a receita deste blogue, a resistência contra o vómito industrial, a paixão pela arte:
"I don't like any ham that's not at least a year old.
A lot of the hams made in this country are made in seventy, eighty, maybe ninety days, at the most. When I started out, I thought that the quick-cure industry would put me out of business. One day my father told me, he said, Son, if you play the other man's game, you lose every time. Stick with what you know. There will always be a demand for quality.
The move back to quality has been my salvation."
Pobres PMEs que só sabem competir no terreno que dá vantagem aos Golias do seu sector, são carne para canhão.
Trecho retirado de "Allan Benton: What I've Learned"

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