quarta-feira, julho 03, 2013

Ir ao supermercado imprimir umas peças

"UK grocery store chain Tesco is sending its researchers to Silicon Valley on a fact-finding mission to discover the feasibility of bring 3D printing to their stores. Potential uses under consideration are printing gifts, toys or even having a catalogue of spare parts for other products sold in the store, so people could print them on demand.
 The potential for 3D technology to revolutionize the way we view stores and what we can get from them is vast"
Trecho retirado de "Supermarket giant aims to be the first to introduce the futuristic technology."

4 comentários:

Nuno José disse...

Em Portugal a Staples está a pensar fazer o mesmo.

Nuno José disse...


Nuno José disse...

corrigindo o meu 1º comentário, ainda não é para Portugal.

CCz disse...

Exacto, caro Nuno,
