sexta-feira, maio 03, 2013

Uma empresa americana tipo-Mittelstand alemã!!!

Comecei a ler "The Way I Work: Ken Grossman, Sierra Nevada" e, mais ou menos a meio, um pensamento invadiu-me:
Uma empresa americana tipo-Mittelstand alemã!!!
"I'm constantly thinking about beer. Trying to figure out how to improve our product has driven me from Day One. (Moi ici: Concentração, devoção, obsessão com o produto)
I like to walk around the place every day to see what's going on.
Our goal as brewers is to make the same beer every batch. But we're using agricultural products, which inevitably vary because their taste is affected by soil, climate, water, and age. That's why we focus hard on the science of brewing.
About 10 years ago, I bought a very fancy instrument, an EPR spectrometer, for $250,000. You can put hops, beer, or whatever you want to analyze into the machine, and it separates out each compound and its aroma. So if I think, This is a great aroma; where did it come from? I can see it's from this malt or that variety of hop.
Investing in this kind of technology is worth it to me. I'm convinced that our success is driven by our focus on quality. We do things that most small brewers would consider labor intensive and expensive. (Moi ici: Concentração, devoção, obsessão com o domínio das variáveis que afectam a produção e a qualidade do produto)
We never really advertised much, and we still don't. I've always thought it was better to focus on our beer. (Moi ici: Pouca preocupação com a publicidade... como os campeões escondidos)
We have a very advanced research and development team that I meet with every week to go over new ideas and discuss results.  (Moi ici: Concentração, devoção, obsessão com o desenvolvimento)
My CFO and I talk every day, but I probably don't spend as much time poring over books as some CEOs might. I do review financials and am involved in those decisions, but I'd much rather be playing with brewing ingredients than crunching numbers.  (Moi ici: Mais preocupação com a Gemba (à la japonesa) do que com a finança. Ganha-se dinheiro com o que se produz com amor e não a mexer em dinheiro)  We do track our key performance indicators, and we have screens throughout the brewery so everyone can see them."

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