"attempts to eliminate the business cycle (Moi ici: O que os governos portugueses andaram a fazer durante toda a primeira década do século XXI, despejar dinheiro na economia para minimizar o impacte do euro, da China, da Europa de Leste) lead to the mother of all fragilities. Just as a little bit of fire here and there gets rid of the flammable material in a forest, a little bit of harm here and there in an economy weeds out the vulnerable firms early enough to allow them to “fail early” (so they can start again) and minimize the long-term damage to the system.Interessante ouvir isto enquanto os políticos da situação e da oposição em Portugal continuam a competir entre si pelo título do mais intervencionista, do que mais "ajuda" a economia a crescer ou a recuperar.
An ethical problem arises when someone is put in charge. Greenspan’s actions were harmful, but even if he knew that, it would have taken a bit of heroic courage to justify inaction in a democracy where the incentive is to always promise a better outcome than the other guy, regardless of the actual, delayed cost.
Ingenuous interventionism is very pervasive across professions.
Let me warn against misinterpreting the message here. The argument is not against the notion of intervention; in fact I showed above that I am equally worried about underintervention when it is truly necessary. I am just warning against naive intervention and lack of awareness and acceptance of harm done by it.
What should we control? As a rule, intervening to limit size (of companies, airports, or sources of pollution), concentration, and speed are beneficial in reducing Black Swan risks." (Moi ici: Recordo logo "If they are too big to fail they are too big to exist")
Trechos retirados de "Antifragile" de Nassim Taleb.
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