terça-feira, maio 07, 2013

Fugir do atractor do feedback-loop

"To crystallize, take this description of an option:
Option = asymmetry + rationality.
The rationality part lies in keeping what is good and ditching the bad, knowing to take the profits. As we saw, nature has a filter to keep the good baby and get rid of the bad. The difference between the antifragile and the fragile lies there. The fragile has no option. But the antifragile needs to select what’s best—the best option.
Unlike the researcher afraid of doing something different, it sees an option - the asymmetry - when there is one. So it ratchets up - biological systems get locked in a state that is better than the previous one, the path-dependent property I mentioned earlier. In trial and error, the rationality consists in not rejecting something that is markedly better than what you had before.
An option hides where we don’t want it to hide. I will repeat that options benefit from variability, but also from situations in which errors carry small costs. So these errors are like options—in the long run, happy errors bring gains, unhappy errors bring losses."
Acho que é isto que eu vejo em "assistia do seu acampamento, amedrontado, acobardado, aos desafios arrogantes do gigante Golias e..." e que permite fugir do atractor do feddback-loop que rebola encosta abaixo como uma avalanche.

Trecho retirado de "Antifragile" de Nassim Taleb.

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