terça-feira, abril 02, 2013

Mudar de vida é muito difícil

Para quem acredita que as empresas mudam porque a razão prevalece e não é preciso sofrerem "desmame":
"Few companies decide to adopt new strategies without being forced to by financial trauma."
Para quem não percebe porque é que os bancos têm receio de emprestar dinheiro nos tempos que correm:
"Companies that are able to radically change their entrenched ways of doing things and then reclaim leading positions in their industries are the exception rather than the rule. Even less common are companies able to anticipate a new set of requirements and mobilize the internal and external resources necessary to meet them. Instead, the momentum of and commitment to the prevailing strategy usually prevents companies from spotting changes such as a shift in either the market or the technology, and leads to a financial downturn — often a crisis — that, in turn, reveals the need for change. Few companies make the transformation from their old model to a new one willingly. Typically, they begin to search for a new way forward only when they are pushed." 
E então os países...
Trechos retirados de "Achieving Successful Strategic Transformation"

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