quarta-feira, abril 24, 2013

Explorar, explorar, explorar sempre

Quando se diz que é preciso voltar a ser criança para descobrir como sair do labirinto...
Quando se diz que é preciso deixar de pensar na eficiência, no denominador...
Quando se diz que é preciso apostar na criatividade...
"They see play as essential not just to individual development, but to humanity’s unusual ability to inhabit, exploit and change the environment.
Lately she has focused on the distinction between “exploring” new environments and “exploiting” them. (Moi ici: March vem logo à mente) When we’re quite young, we are more willing to explore, she finds; adults are more inclined to exploit.
To exploit, one leans heavily on lessons (and often unconscious rules) learned earlier — so-called prior biases. These biases are useful to adults because they save time and reduce error:
We educated grown-ups failed because our prior biases dictated that we play the game by the more common and efficient “or” rule. (Moi ici: Por isso é tão difícil aos membros da tríade verem alternativas.)
Yet this playlike spirit of speculation and exploration does stay with us, both as individuals and as a species. Studies suggest that free, self-directed play in safe environments enhances resilience, creativity, flexibility, social understanding, emotional and cognitive control, and resistance to stress, depression and anxiety. And we continue to explore as adults, even if not so freely."

Trechos retirados de "Mind: Playing for All Kinds of Possibilities"

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