quinta-feira, março 14, 2013

Mongo pode ser muito mais do que a customização que estamos a pensar

Isto está tão longe dos tempos em que, como atleta de pista federado (do FCP) no início dos anos oitenta do século passado, tinha de requisitar os sapatos de pitões à sexta-feira, para competir ao fim de semana. Ou seja, de um tempo em que um par de sapatos era partilhado entre vários atletas, para um tempo em que cada atleta tem um par construído à sua medida e à medida de uma estratégia em particular:
"Athletes are measured on a sensitive track to gauge the direction their foot travels whether its forward or back, left or right, and how it moves; 100 sensors are placed on an insert inside the shoe to measure pressure at different points; and a motion capture system — like the ones used for video games and movies — adds stride and broader movement into the equation. Based on the biomechanical data, custom spike plates, the part of the shoe that actually connects with the ground, are created.
“The technology is early and our implementation is still really in a very early phase, but you can envision as the technology improves and capacity increases — and cost comes down — the audience who will benefit from customisation will just grow and grow and grow. This will get down eventually to the casual athlete.”"
Trecho inicial retirado de "With 3-D Printing, New Balance Running Customisation in New Direction"

E sapatos de corrida, não à medida de um atleta, mas desenhados para a estratégia que um atleta vai executar numa certa corrida?
"The possibilities for easy customization are nearly endless. Previously, a custom spike plate required an expensive injection molding process, but with the 3-D printers, the speed of production is much faster and the cost is slashed. Because it’s so much easier, runners can choose different designs based on their strategy for a particular race. “If you’re going to rely on a strong finishing kick, that means having lots of traction for running up on your toes at the end,” says Petrecca."
Trecho final retirado de "Pro Track Athletes Get a Grip With 3-D Printed Equipment"

Um mundo de possibilidades aberto por Mongo, "interaction rules"!!!

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