sexta-feira, fevereiro 15, 2013

Acerca da estratégia

"We may want to grow – but growth is not a strategy.
We may want to go international – but that is not a strategy.
We may want to improve our businesses – but that is not a strategy.
We may want to be more efficient – but efficiency is not a strategy.
We may want to consolidate – but that is not a strategy.
We want to be beat our competitors – but that is not a strategy.
These are all steps we can take – they are not strategies. Many companies become fixated on a particular step or objective and consider it to be their strategy. These companies then literally go over the cliff, because people do not know why they are doing those things."
Conseguem recordar situações em que tantas e tantas pessoas referiram aqueles "quereres" como se fossem estratégias... estratégia não é um conjunto de "quereres", é um conjunto de escolhas.
Este texto "How Leaders Mistake Execution for Strategy (and Why That Damages Both)" (alternativa) também vale a pena ser lido. E já agora, como começou a definição da estratégia da sua empresa?
Trecho retirado de "What is Strategy Again?"

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