sábado, setembro 01, 2012

Emprego e criação de riqueza

Estas palavras:
"«Nunca [Governo] podemos baixar os braços quando estamos a falar de valores de desemprego como estamos a falar. Portanto, apesar de ter havido uma tendência de estabilização este mês, o que é importante é reforçar o combate ao desemprego», defendeu o ministro."
Estas promessas: 

Cuidado como se criam empregos e porque se criam empregos.
"Now there is nothing wrong with job creation. Working in jobs is an important way people create wealth. So the emphasis on job creation is an understandable one. But it is easy for people to forget that creating more wealth is what we really want to accomplish, and jobs are merely a means to that end. When that elementary fact is forgotten, people are easily duped by arguments that elevate creation of jobs to an end in itself. While these arguments may sound plausible, they are used to support policies that destroy wealth rather than create it. "
"Because people tend to think of jobs as ends rather than means, they are easily fooled into supporting government programs on grounds that jobs will be created. We have all heard people argue in favor of military bases, highway construction, and environmental regulations on business on these grounds. To justify spending, government agencies commonly perform benefit/cost studies in which the jobs created are counted as benefits. This is like counting the hours you work to earn enough money to buy a car as one of the car’s benefits."
Trechos retirados daqui: "Creating Jobs vs. Creating Wealth"
Recordar "Enredada nas suas próprias palavras"

1 comentário:

Carlos Albuquerque disse...

"creating more wealth is what we really want to accomplish, and jobs are merely a means to that end"

Mais riqueza, se beneficiar apenas uns poucos, interessa apenas a esses poucos. O objectivo da actividade económica é suprir as necessidades das pessoas e não apenas aumentar a riqueza total.

Isto não quer dizer que se devam criar empregos a qualquer custo, mas a criação de empregos tem uma utilidade muito mais abrangente do que o aumento da riqueza.