terça-feira, agosto 21, 2012

O jogo está sempre a evoluir à medida que se joga

Um interessante artigo sobre Mongo: "Born in the USA".
Primeiro, uma frase inicial que atrai logo um "contrarian" como eu:
“In the investment business my mantra was, When everyone else is doing something, you don’t want to go that route,”
Depois, o tema do regresso dos clientes:
"Whether referred to as reshoring or insourcing, the return of U.S. manufacturing is emerging as a serious topic in the national conversation. ... A recent report by the Boston Group, a consulting firm, notes that more than a third of large U.S. companies plan to return some production to the United States, or are at least considering it. Meanwhile, U.S. manufacturing jobs, long in decline, have actually rebounded since 2010.
Whether it’s because of rising Chinese labor costs, the increasing value of China’s fiercely protected yuan, the desire for nimbler supply chains, or simply a need to guard against patent theft, some companies are finding U.S. manufacturing to be not only possible but profitable."
Segundo, uma frase que deveria fazer reflectir muita gente em Portugal, nas empresas, nas associações sectoriais, nos sindicatos, nos partidos políticos e nos governos:
“I don’t know if it’s going to be long term or sustainable, but I’ll say this: sourcing execs know that the era of low-cost labor—of just being able to throw more labor hours at a problem - is over.”
Depois, o factor que há mais anos defendemos aqui no blogue, para potenciar a manufactura em Portugal, a proximidade:
"“The reasons why companies reshore is they want to make more money,” says Sirkin. “They make more money because they’re closer to their customers and can supply them more quickly.
The parts are plucked from the bins and assembled and shipped the same day. “You know why this is possible?” says Chevalier. “Because we make it right here.
So-called mass customization is one of the value-added things you can offer by having production close at hand. Giving the customer the power to control the creation of his product is a kind of parable for the company’s relationship with its suppliers.
We can produce smaller batches, we can control our inventories better, and we can take care of problems as they arise because the batches are more isolated.”"
Por fim, uma mensagem para os que só fazem contas:
“It’s a false economy,” says Emerson, though he still hasn’t written off China as a manufacturing option. “The product was 10 percent less in China, but what’s the total cost of that product if, at the end of the year, I didn’t make any money on it?”
Infelizmente, demasiadas empresas estão de braços cruzados à espera de serem contactadas pelos clientes... têm de perceber o conceito da batota. Quando se joga um jogo, tem de se perceber que o jogo não se mantém constante eternamente, o jogo está sempre a evoluir.
O que as empresas devem fazer é fazer batota. Evoluírem elas próprias para os clientes, para os produtos, para os canais, para os preços, para os ecossistemas onde as suas particularidades brilham e fazem a diferença.
Como é que a sua empresa pode fazer batota para aproveitar este retorno dos clientes?

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